Each Book Counts

PMI Mumbai Chapter with its Dnyansarita initiative is working towards providing quality education and inculcating a habit of reading among children at a young age for a better future.

We believe each child should get a fair chance to read and write.

Through Dnyansarita, we are supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals -

  • Quality Education 
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Partnership for Goals

plain notebooks

You can also support the initiative with a direct donation to "Human Welfare Charitable Trust".
* All donations are eligible for claiming exemptions under the section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961

Journey so far

PMI Mumbai Chapter, through its "Dnyansarita" initiative, has been supporting the HWCT (Human Welfare Charitable Trust) foundation and its Diviniti charitable school, aiding underprivileged children by donating over 750 notebooks. These notebooks were utilized to fulfill academic requirements for the upcoming school year, spanning from June, encompassing Junior Kg to 3rd standard classes. This contribution is set to significantly enhance the quality of education and learning opportunities for the children within the organization.


On the 23rd of April 2023 (World Book Day) 
PMI Mumbai chapter visited the Seva Sahyog Foundation to understand the utilization of the books donated. They have 5 locations where they function from for providing library facilities, self-study rooms for students, teaching sewing to women at affordable rates, and teaching pre-primary and primary children. The facilities hold more than 25,000 books and additional of 10,000 books are issued to students.

Ignite Minds Transform Lives

Support our book donation campaign!

You can doante - 

  • Plain Notebooks
  • English Grammar Books
  • Storybooks / Cartoons
  • for teenagers Class 5th to 10th
  • Competitive exam books
  • Dictionary
  • Novels / Fiction / Rom-Com / Biography / Self-motivation books